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pure absence
by Edward Canavan

sacred places revealed

in certain light


a menacing pull

from dark caverns


urging us to fill

the emptiness


having convinced us

it is detrimental to

keep it void


when it might be best

to hold it close 

as it is


not like a secret

but an asset


a safe haven

to store the woes

of our world


and to rest

the universal burdens


of being

all too human.


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Edward L. Canavan is an American poet whose work has most recently
been published in Poetry Quarterly, Harbinger Asylum, and The LA Poet Society anthology "Los Angeles Poets for Justice".. His second poetry collection entitled "Protest and Isolation" was released by Cyberwit Press in July 2020. Born and raised in the Bronx, NY, he currently resides in North Hollywood, California, where he practices Buddhism and listens to The Clash.

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