Black Lives Matter
by Nicole Alston
They scream Black Lives Matter? But do they know the real reason why? We feel hurt and anguish inside. Why? For centuries we’ve been marginalized. Bred into an environment that created genocide. Crucified. They scream black lives matter? But do they know the real reason why? Why? For every black mother who lost a child and still survived. For the letter that they wrote to lynch us and still continues to divide. Putting skin tones in social classes. Building jails to control the masses. They scream black lives matter? But do they know the real reason why? For the organs that they steal from missing children each year for research. We are hurt. They scream black lives matter? But do they know the real reason why? Because Henrietta didn’t Lack but they still had to have her cells too. Without getting accolades they create systematic oppression which inspires hate. What if it’s too late? We aren’t understood but understanding takes patience. Someone in the community dies there’s a t-shirt made in remembrance. Highly favored and underpaid. Ghetto and deeply melanated. Nonetheless we are a blessing, a damn history lesson.
Nicole Alston is an artist and visionary who uses platforms from fashion, spirituality,and writing to express herself. She is a self-published author of: Little Black Book of Love, Her Love
Language, I'm Just Like You Journal, In Mama's Shoes, The Lover's Dictionary and #twentyeight. Born and raised in Baltimore County, Maryland Nicole is well versed in all things creative. Nicole has been featured at the Baltimore Book Festival as well as other lifestyle events. Aside from writing she is also a freelance Wardrobe Stylist. Previously nominated for the Fashion Awards MD as "Best Emerging Wardrobe Stylist” and was also featured in two Raw Artist Fashion Shows. Since fashion has been one of her passions, Nicole created “Hey Sis” which is her branded t-shirt line that she created to bring women together and unify. Nicole is a photographer who was featured in LED Baltimore and a host of “Bougie Ears” which is a culture + music podcast. Her mission on this earth is to cultivate herself and others through her various forms of art. She is a mother of three, enjoys listening to 90's r&b, hounds-tooth print anything, and singing.